A Note from Our Director

Clarissa Doutherd

Developing and promoting the leadership of parents and caregivers not only makes practical sense, it is a critical component of smart policy making. Advocating for child care without social justice, without challenging racism, sexism, xenophobia, and all forms of injustice and oppression leaves us empty services and programs that do very little to actually transform the lives of families. Our vision is to build on the power, expertise, and incredible resiliency of families to create a movement that secures economic stability and equity in our public education system.

–​Clarissa Doutherd

Our Mission

Parent Voices Oakland (PVO), is a parent-led grassroots organization that advocates for affordable, accessible, quality child-care. PVO organizes and empowers families with the highest need to build effective campaigns toward economic and educational justice.

Our goal is to decrease the number of families waiting for care by 50% over the next 10 years. We are working to win resources for a child care delivery system that is comprehensive, community driven, and provides support for children and families universally.